Day 6 - Dungeons and Distractions

I started day 6's development efforts a little late due to some house chores, as well as some bug fixing from the previous day. Here's the roundup, after 8-9 hours on stream.

Day 6

At the end of this day, I felt quite optimistic about the progress and shape of the game now. Towards the end of the day, I found myself mostly just trying to play and navigate the games mechanics more than focusing on development. Here's most of what we managed to get done:

  • Procedural dungeon generator using "growth" method (implementation reference)
    • 0-2 Enemies are spawned in each room.
  • Enemy pathfinding behaviour (Dijkstra and A*) (Thanks redblobgames)
  • Autotiling with a rule system (which I decided not to use due to time constraints. implementation reference)
    • Because of this, I reverted the tiles used to a simplistic floor/wall system, but this could be improved in the future.
  • Performance tweaks (So we don't try to draw offscreen entities)
  • Adjustments to the card game mechanics for better gameplay
    • Cards collected from enemies are placed at the bottom of the deck
    • You automatically draw up to a full hand of 3, rather than simply replacing cards 1-for-1.
    • If you _can't_ play a card, or the card action somehow fails, you don't expend the card.
  • Converted the "dummy" to "The Sword", and added the next enemy: "The Shield". The enemies drop their corresponding card on defeat.
  • Game ending condition was corrected, so you win now when all enemies are defeated and all cards are collected.

    Here's how the game looks currently:

Next Steps

As we roll into the final day, we need to be careful what we add from here, so that everything we release is in a usable and positive state.

It's also good practice to make sure the game can be safely built and shared. There's an additional complication for me, because I am not using a released version of DOME at the moment, but a development build, in order to power the text boxes displayed for cards.

I'd like to try and add a variety of cards and enemies throughout the day, and supply some better feedback about actions taken.

Find Out More

You can follow a majority of the game's development by following me on Twitter, subscribing to my twitch stream here, or catching up on my YouTube channel.

One last day, let's go!

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